Dakarrallyt, som år 2002 kördes för 24:e
gången, är världens längsta och hårdaste
rally man kan kalla det motorsportens Mount Everest.
9.436 km från Arras i norra Frankrike till Dakar i Senegal, motsvarar
nästan ett kvarts varv runt jorden på 2 veckor.
Endast knappt hälften av deltagarna brukar nå målet,
år 2002 lyckades bara en tredjedel av motorcyklarna. Fyra svenskar
startade i MC-klassen och ett svenskt bilekipage. Det är det största
svenska deltagandet någonsin.
Läs Annies berättelse dag för dag... Dakar-dagboken
Den förste svensken att på MC genomföra
Paris-Dakar var Olle Ohlsson 1998. Dessutom har PG Lundmark och Lukas
Lundin kört Dakar-Kairo år 2000. Svenska tjejer som startat
men brutit är, Marie Hessel 1999 och Maria Sandell 2000.
Dakar 2002 i korta drag
26-27 Dec 2001: Teknisk besiktning,
anmälan & administration.
28 Dec 2001 : Start Arras, Frankrike kl. 20.00
13 Jan 2002 : Mål Dakar, Senegal
Längd: 9.436 km totalt
2 i Frankrike
1 i Spanien
3 i Marocko
6 i Mauretanien
2 i Senegal
14 sträckor TOTALT (Se sträckorna
dag för dag och översiktskarta nedan.)
Därav är:
2 Maraton stäckor, ca 1.500 km vardera (se beskrivning nedan)
2 sträckor utan GPS navigation, endast med kompass/roadbook (se
beskrivning nedan)
Längsta sträcka(Maraton): 1.541 km, Stage 7 Ouarzazate-TanTan-Zouerat
Längsta special: 520 km, Stage 11 Tidjikja-Tichit
Den 28 dec körs första sträckan som är en lång
nattransportfrån Arras till Chateau-Lastours. Dagen efter kör
de tävlande sin första tidtagna specialsträcka, för
att sedan fortsätta till Narbonne i syd. På morgonen den
30 dec körs en specialsträckan, innan man fortsätter
in i Spanien till Madrid. På nyårsaftonens morgon körs
specialen i Madrid, för att sedan fortsätta till färjeläget
i Algeciras. På nyårsnatten går färjan till Marocko
där ytterligare 300 km nattransport väntar.
Den 1 jan startar det egentliga Dakar rallyt med en 8 mil specialsträcka
i norra Marocko. 2 veckor senare nås slutligen målet i Dakar.
Däremellan kommer man att ha utsatts för alla typer av terräng;
steniga platåer i Marocko, ökenvidderna med oändliga
sanddyner i Mauretanien, och till sist slingriga och gropiga grusvägar
genom bitvis tät vegetation i Senegal innan målet vid Lac
Rose stränder i Dakar uppenbarar sig.
Med det nya konceptet Super Maraton sträcka, vill organisation
att varje tävlandes uthållighet sätts på prov.
Under 2 dygn ska man utan assistans, genom intelligens och mod, lägga
drygt 1.500 km bakom sig. Två trans-Sahara sträckor kommer
att ingå. Första dagen körs en sträcka på
ca 600 km, därefter ett obligatorisk stopp på 6 timmar i
väntan på mörkret. Efter stoppet startar nästa
sträcka om 300 km, nu med natten som ytterligare utmaning. En timmes
vila föregår de sista ca 600 km på Maraton sträckan.
Sträckor med neutraliserad GPS
Organisationen kommer även att begränsa användningen
av GPS-navigationen, för att verkligen utmana de tävlandes
navigationsförmåga. Här får man endast använda
sig av kompass, roadbook och den egna orienteringsförmågan.
Detta kommer att bli verkligt utslagsgivande.
The official route of Dakar 2002
Stage = Liason + Special
Liasion = transport, no timing
Special = timed section
Friday 28/12 2001, start: 20h00
Liaison : 465 km
Total : 465 km |
The start is given for
the first time in the evening.
The competitors leave the Parc Fermé, situated on the Grand
Place, in the centre of Arras. The starting podium is set up at
the Place des Héros. From 20h00 onwards the first of the
bikes will set off in a Southwards direction, heading for Châteauroux
for the first bivouac. The podium in Châteauroux is situated
at the Belle-Isle Site.
The stage, in the night, is a liaison. |
Saturday 29/12 2001
Liaison : 82 km
Special : 6 km
Liaison : 510 km
Total : 598 km |
Whilst the last of the
competitors are still arriving in Châteauroux in the early
hours of the morning, the first of the bikes prepare to set off
for the second stage. A short special of 6 km is traced out in the
Croisière Activity Parc, in La Souterraine. From there, the
competitors move towards Narbonne, passing through Brive-la-Gaillarde
where a Passage Control is organised. |
Sunday 30/12 2001
Liaison : 25 km
Special : 35 km
Liaison : 870 km
Total : 930 km |
Start from the podium,
situated in the town centre, opposite the theatre, at 8h00 for the
first bikes. From there, competitors will arrive in Château-Lastours,
for a special of
35 km, traced out over winding routes, between vines and scrub land.
They continue with a long liaison stage until Madrid. |
Monday 31/12 2001
Liaison : 5 km
Special : 6 km
Liaison : 950 km
Total : 961 km |
The special will take
place near to the Spanish capital. At the end of this, the competitors
continue on a long liaison stage which leads them right into the
South of Spain. From there, they board the boat to Morocco. Another
liaison stage for their arrival in Rabat, first stage town in Morocco.
New Years Eve at the bivouac in Rabat. |
Tuesday 1/1 2002
Liaison : 10 km
Special : 80 km
Liaison : 444 km
Total : 534 km |
After a festive evening
in Rabat, a must for New Years Eve (!), the competitors set
off on a first special, short and original, which alternates between
smooth running parts, rapid with navigating zones and more winding
and sandy parts. It is essentially traced out in a forest area,
amid cork trees, eucalyptus and pine trees. |
Wednesday 2/1 2002
Liaison : 56 km
Special : 338 km
Liaison : 182 km
Total : 576 km |
The track, rapid, stony,
at times jumpy then smoother leads the competitors towards
the sandy and deserted zones of the South. We see the apparition
of the first dunes and the crossing of Ergs with, in
particular, the mythical Chebbi Erg, in Merzouga, the highest dunes
in Morocco. Further South, the special digs deeper into valleys
which wind around the oueds, on large plateaus closed in between
the mountains. |
STAGE 7: First Marathon
Thursday 3/1 - Friday 4/1 2002
Liaison : 176 km
Special : 351 km
Liaison : 266 km
[break 6 of hours]
Liaison : 365 km
Special : 371 km
Liaison : 16 km
Total : 1 545 km |
First of the two Marathon
From Ouarzazate, the competitors set off on a liaison stage then
continue on the first special which leads them to Tan-Tan. There,
a compulsory break of 6 hours is organised before continuing
the liaison. A new break, is respected (they can have
something to eat)
then they set off on the second special
of this Marathon stage (start, in Mauritania, in the
early morning). The first third of the special is winding and sandy
then becomes very rapid. As a whole, it remains relatively smooth
* Parallel route for assistance vehicles, to Tan-Tan. |
Saturday 5/1 2002
Liaison : 9 km
Special : 383 km
Liaison : 4 km
Total : 396 km |
Last stage before the
rest day.
The special is relatively short, but is the first real Erg crossing
stage. It is traced out off the tracks, in the middle of Erg fields
which are closer and closer together
until the culminating
point: the crossing of the Erg de El Beyyed. After this, the special
becomes more smooth running, on sandy and rapid tracks. |
Rest day in ATAR
Sunday 6/1 2002
Service |
Service bike & equipment,
eat and sleep. |
STAGE 9: Loop
Monday 7/1 2002
Liaison : 33 km
Special : 366 km
Liaison : 5 km
Total : 404 km |
Loop stage around Atar.
After the first 100 kilometres traced out over existing tracks,
the special is very varied and totally new. On the programme : the
crossing of Ergs, passes to be found, lots of navigation, off track,
and a little camel grass!
* Assistance vehicles remain at the bivouac. |
Tuesday 8/1 2002
Liaison : 33 km
Special : 467 km
Liaison : 2 km
Total : 502 km |
It is one of the hardest
stages and one of the longest specials in the 2002 edition. The
first 100 kilometres take place in a magnificent setting, in a canyon,
along a Oued, with the sea of sand that touches the edge of the
cliffs. The rest of the stage includes numerous navigating difficulties
and lots of Erg crossing. It takes place off track in the middle
of the dunes with trunks of camel grass. The stage finishes on winding
but relatively rapid tracks up to Tidjikja. Be careful of fuel consumption. |
Wednesday 9/1 2002
Liaison : 18 km
Special : 520 km
Total : 538 km |
One of the most beautiful
stages, very complete : stony tracks, crossings, off track, navigating,
camel grass, i.e. a compressed version of all that can be found
on a stage.
A magnificent but hard stage which starts with a winding 100 km,
over stony tracks, along the mountains. Then a change of direction
and profile : the crossing, on the way down, of the Nega pass and
of deserted zones, sandy up until Tichit. |
STAGE 12: Loop
Thursday 10/1 2002
Special : 450 km
Total : 450 km |
Second loop stage.
The special is traced out like an Olympic sailing race, the CPs
replacing the buoys. It takes place to the North of Tichit. After
80 known kilometres, the 370 remaining km are totally
new ! The emphasis is on navigating skills, the special taking place
for the most part completely off track, in the dunes.
* Assistance vehicles stay at the bivouac. |
STAGE 13: Second Marathon Stage
Friday 11/1 - Saturday 12/1 2002
Special : 457 km
Liaison : 4 km
[break 6 hours]
Liaison : 450 km
Special : 165 km
Liaison : 396 km
Total : 1 472 km
Second Marathon stage.
From Tichit, the competitors set off directly on the special up
to Kiffa. There, a compulsory 6 hour break is organised
before continuing on liaison, by night, up to Boutilimit. Another
break is respected before attacking the second special.
Liaison stage of 396 km with an arrival in Dakar.
This second Marathon stage is long and difficult. As you get to
the end, anything can still happen. The special between Tichit and
Kiffa is traced out off track, in the middle of the big dunes. There
are a few camel grass passages.
The liaison between Kiffa and Boutilimit is traced out on tarmac.
Be careful, there are 200 km in bad condition.
The second special of the stage is a very beautiful driving special.
The main difficulty is the presence of numerous parallel tracks
: its not easy to find reliable bearings. |
Sunday 13/1 2002
Liaison : 38 km
Special : 31 km
Total : 69 km |
Last loop stage around
the Lac Rose. The competitors move up the beach in a Northerly direction
before starting on the traditional tour of the Lac.
After the finishing podium, the competitors arrive at the Méridien
in Dakar in procession. Parc Fermé at the Méridien.
Prize giving, in the evening, in the gardens of the Méridien. |